MSP40: Questions Unanswered

Published: Aug. 10, 2018, 6:52 a.m.

Today we’re going to speed through a bunch of the questions that Matt gets asked most often. What do the Facebook and Twitter share price falls mean? Should I invest in crypto currency? Where’s my ray gun? It’s time to Mattsplain.

Excerpt from Transcript:
Because he’s got a one track mind – a recent show on GPS being a good example – we usually tackle one topic at a time on Mattsplained. That generally means there are more things we can’t cover than we can talk about. Today we’re going speed read our way through some of the topics Kulturpop’s Matt gets asked on a daily basis.

It sounds a little less depressing than what we do most weeks. It’s time to Mattsplain.

Will today be less depressing than what we do most weeks?
•No. Covering more topics means I can scare even more people than usual.
•I’m hoping it’ll be like watching a Tony Robbins lecture backwards.
•You’ll feel a lot more scared and insecure by the end.
•I’m going to jump straight in and ask the first question myself, because I’ve been peppered with it this week.
•Does the recent fire sale on Twitter and Facebook shock pose any great problems?

Does it?
•For investors, yes. They’ve lost money. And while those stocks may not dip too much further – I’m not an analyst, you’ll get better advice from the Morning Run crew than from me on that – I don’t know if they’ll soar again in quite the same way.
•It doesn’t seem to be the start of a tech sector rout. Apple’s quarterly announcement was very strong, indeed. Even if Huawei now makes more phones than Apple.
•But most of us aren’t Facebook or Twitter investors. That’s a really small number of people.
•The majority of us, literally billions of us, as far as the markets are concerned, we’re just losers. I mean users.

What do you think it means for users?
•If you look at it that way round: not very much.
•Our day to day use of these services will continue exactly the same.
•The real question is: what does it mean to the people governing those companies?
•If I was them, I would be scared.

Full transcript at