MSP39: A Problem Shared

Published: July 30, 2018, 2 a.m.

Bad ideas. Technology creates at least as many of them as it does good ideas. What happens when the bad ideas slip through and the good ones drift away? It’s time to Mattsplain.

Excerpt from this episode:
Problems. The things that science and technology are supposed to solve. That the solutions are themselves problems is not an original thought – which is good, because Kulturpop’s Matt Armitage isn’t very good at originality – but are we slipping into an era of bad ideas with great execution? I don’t know. I’m not sure I care. But someone does and he’s here to Mattsplain.

You’ve been a bit under the weather this week?
•That’s right. Nothing major – bit of a cold.
•But it does mean there’s a couple of small changes to the show.
•Instead of 20 mins of unrelenting misery punctuated by a couple of jokes, this week we just have the misery.
•My SOH is the first thing to go when I’m feeling sick
Play Clip (0m06s to end)
•Well, that’s all the production crew gone.
•Jeff, you still here?

I’ve been doing this for too long to get spooked because you’re feeling grumpy. I believe we’re starting with librarians. Not often we do that on Mattsplained.
•That’s true. People don’t make an obvious link between libraries and technology, so they don’t often come up on this show.
•But they did this week.
•An economist at Long Island University wrote a piece for Forbes that suggested that the US replace its public libraries with run bookshops.
•Before we get to that. Remember how you spent a lot of last show trying to stop me talking about the nitty gritty of positional navigation systems like GPS and LORAN?

This show originally aired on BFM89.9 in Malaysia