MSP38: Old Tech Is Better Tech

Published: July 27, 2018, 8 a.m.

It’s easy to jump on the new tech is better tech bandwagon. But what happens when that new tech is a little bit older and doesn’t perform as well as the technology it replaced? It’s time to Mattsplain.

Excerpt from this episode:
If there’s one thing that we can be sure of on this show, it’s that the future is always better. Every week, Kulturpop’s Matt Armitage pops by to tell us that while the sun may not come up tomorrow, it’ll be back eventually. Even if humankind is dead by then. So, why, you may wonder, is he suddenly declaring that the old is better than the new? It’s time to Mattsplain.

Have you finally turned into that crabby old man obsessed with the good old days?
•Yup. Things were good back then.
•Back then, kids didn’t to go to school.
•There was no point - most of them were dead from disease or stuck in chimneys or looms before they reached their teens.
•You didn’t have to lock your doors because you couldn’t afford anything anyone would want to steal.

Weren’t people more neighbourly then?
•Sure. What’s mine was yours because neither of us had anything.
•We looked out for each other.
•People would make sure you were really dead, or at least heavily sleeping, before they stole your boots.
•And if you couldn’t afford a funeral, the local parish would give you a generous send-off by flinging your body into a midden pit.
•Not like today. Where everyone worries about nutrition and clean drinking water and getting an education.
•Life’s become too complicated. Let’s get back to basics. The important stuff.
•Work. Steal some food. Die young and deformed.

Fun Friday folks. Can we assume from your sarcasm that not everything was better in the past?
•Of course it wasn’t. But sometimes we go too far the other way and get caught up in some shiny new thing rather than sticking with something that’s less exciting but works really well.

This show was originally broadcast BFM89.9 in Malaysia.