Carrie Simpson, Managed Sales Pros, "How I opened a call center overnight, from another country"

Published: Oct. 20, 2020, 2:56 p.m.

Carrie Simpson launched Managed Sales Pros in 2013 as a call center serving the MSP market. Starting with a contract in her native country, Canada, the operations quickly grew. A contract opportunity was presented to her and almost overnight she launched operations in the U.S. 

Managed Sales Pros hit a market need that is large in the MSP community, customer acquisition through cold calling.  With many of the MSP's being Technologist led  organizations, sales can often be a foreign process.

Sometime acquisition comes quickly and without the intention to sell.  Carrie speaks of how she reached out to a company to help her with her strong pipeline and staffing needs.  With more business than people she could hire in the Las Vegas market, she approached EB Quckstart for assistance with overflow.  Their response was how about we just buy your operation, and before you knew it the deal was done.

Post-acquisition Carrie still operates Managed Sales Pros in Canada, but has her eye on the next chapter as she shares her plans for the future (hint...a one-stop shop for webinars).