Back to Work in the New Normal

Published: April 30, 2020, 5:32 a.m.

We have hit the peak of the COVID crisis and our conversation focuses on what MSP’s can do to prepare to head back to work in the “New Normal”.  

Brian speaks of the importance of the VCIO role as small to mid-sized businesses get back to work.  VCIO’s can help with helping the SMB’s catalog WFH lessons learned and gaps they may have experienced in deploying a WFH workforce.  More importantly, helping our clients build a new strategy as the restrictions on this crisis starts to relax.

We start to look at the cyber security issues experienced during the crisis.  These include the impact of layoffs of remote workforce, Zoombombing, and staff security awareness.  We then start mapping out solutions to these common issues.

Robb discusses how too many Account Managers and vCIO’s only look at the past and the present and not enough are helping shape the technology plan for the future.  

Tim sparks a discussion about how all team members need to step up and help contribute wherever necessary to keep the machine moving as we move into the ‘new normal’.  Robb touches upon how many MSP’s he is speaking with are reviewing their SOP’s as they have changed as a result of work from home. He is also seeing those that embrace security will be leading the way in the ‘new normal’.  Brian shares that security awareness programs and employee monitoring will be key needs.