No Compromise | 014

Published: May 23, 2020, 1 p.m.

David Block is the founder and CEO of Previnex, a supplement company that produces premium, clinically proven health and wellness products and programs that help people live longer, healthier, more active lives. After he and his wife had their first child, David felt compelled to utilize the resources within Previnex to start tackling the crisis of child malnutrition that quietly runs rampant around the globe. Thanks to the "Get Health. Give Health." program, Previnex ships a bottle of premium children's vitamins to areas of the globe where children find themselves in desperate need of vital nutrients. In addition to his passion for children, health, and wellness - David also has a heart for doing good and adding value to others. The MS Fitness Challenge (MSFC) is proud to be partnered with Previnex as our premier supplement sponsor. This episode will explore David's background, the Previnex story, and how he became acquainted and involved with the MSFC.