Your Inner Critic & The Power Of Emotions

Published: Sept. 22, 2021, 6 a.m.

I probably wouldn't have shared this a few years ago. 

Which is ironic AF because it would have been my own inner critic standing behind me as I hesitated to click "post" saying "Wait - don't you know they are going to find this annoying? Who are you to share so openly? You cant just go ahead and blurt out how great your work is - just calm down about it all and be cool" 

And I would listen. Id feel silly for being SO excited to share the work that was coming to me, through me, as me - and Id just play it cool because there was a part of me that was scared that it wasnt safe to CLAIM MY OWN GREATNESS in the work I do. 

There is no more of that. 

I invest too much of my time, energy and money into being all that I am so I can give all that I do to the women I work with. 

BEYOND THAT - when I play it cool, it means my offerings are watered down and what I know to be true is that they deserve to be shared in the energy they have been created: RED F'ING HOT! 

I absolutely believe in the power of the work that I do because Ive crafted my coaching skills over 15 years and I am working DAILY to get better so that I can be of greater service to the women I feel compelled to support. 

This week I signed up and paid in full to be mentored by Tony Robbins for 12 months - I AM SO EXCITED. Not just because I know this is going to pour rocket fuel on my own potential but because I know the way it is going to have a HUGE impact on the way I can show up and serve within my programs. 

So - with humility and respect, please find below an audio recording I created today about THE INNER CRITIC and a program I am offering which begins on October 6th. 

I HAVE TO SHARE THIS - because I can do ALLLLL the work in the world to create transformational experiences but what good is it if no one knows about it? 

I wonder what the world needs to know about what you have to offer?? Could you be a little louder too?? Who would benefit? 

In this recording I share a cool exercise that allows you to realise there are certain emotions or ways of being that arent actually serving you right now and that its your inner critic messing with your mind. 

Its short and sweet and I hope you listen in and let me know what you hear in it for yourself. 


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