Treat your 2020 goals like a lover & other powerful hacks to smash your goals and change your life

Published: Dec. 31, 2019, 6 a.m.

“Often our blessings are stuck up in the air because there is too much mess on the runway”

Isnt that powerful? I read that yesterday and it slapped me straight in the face. Too often the goals and dreams we have for ourself are right there for us – we just haven’t made room for them to land in our lives.

So in setting goals for yourself its important to not get caught up in what is coming without taking a stocktake of what you are doing, saying, thinking, believing and allowing right now – and then getting rid of what is no longer serving you, to make space for the things you are working so hard to bring into your life.
Goal setting on steroids happens at the beginning of every year, doesn’t it? People laugh off the fact that new years resolutions never stick. But why is that? If you take the time to set goals – why don’t you follow through?

If you think the goals you set for yourself have been too big, too out of reach, not meant for you – that’s heart breaking! We can have anything we want in our lives – but we need to be willing to do what it takes to evolve and make room for what is to come.

We set goals but then what happens? Instead of pouring our time and energy relentlessly into achieving that goal – We soon let ourselves get busy with the ‘busy things’ of our day to day life. The things that make us run around in circles all day before we crash and burn and have nothing much to show for it. Why do we keep ourselves busy?

I think its because when we are reaching for goals we are reaching into unknown territory.
Its uncomfortable because its new.

We aren’t wired to be uncomfortable.
We spend most of our lives searching for ways to feel safe, secure, protected.

Setting new goals is fun and exciting – executing them takes work. Not hard, physical work – but work within ourselves. It takes A LOT OF WORK to work out how you operate as a human being. To understand why you do the things you do, and what it is going to take to bring about change in your own world. If you have not met yourself on that level, if you have not sat with yourself long enough to know how you work – then you will keep busy to avoid that. 

You will keep doing things that keep you busy  to stop you from  thinking and feeling. You will then be able to claim you didn’t let go of the desire to achieve your goal – you were simply to busy to make it happen.

Lets explore that. There is some truth in it.
To do what is needed to hit goals you have to make time to do the things that need to be done. So immediately after deciding you want a new outcome in some way in your life – You need to consider what is it that sucks time from you? What is it that is taking up the time you need to make your priorities a priority?

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