Self Sabotage

Published: Aug. 23, 2020, 6 a.m.

In this episode we hold a mirror up to ourselves and examine the ways in which self sabotage needs to be seen in order for it to stop interfering with our desire to reach the goals we set for ourselves. 

Hand on heart, I know I have made deep, direct impact on hundreds of people. It has never been a about squats, or running or counting macronutrients .

It has been creating experiences and facilitating opportunities for individuals to explore and witness the ways in which they interfere with their own progress.

When people set a goal, the moment they waiver, or lose momentum or question themselves and their ability to follow through - they want to look away. That is when I step up and hold a mirror for them.

Until we are willing to look at who we are, what we are choosing and how that is forming who we are becoming - we will always get lost somewhere between setting a goal and living the experience of fulfilling that goal.

For the most part, most people understand that it is necessary that we set goals.
We don’t stop there. In fact, that’s when the real work really starts. Goal setting isn’t just about setting a goal - it’s about considering how we have to manage ourselves to reach that goal.

The problem? We are wired for pleasure and comfort and most of us have spent most of our lives avoiding discomfort. Anytime we set a goal that will expose our full potential, it will require us to reach out of our comfort zone. To evolve and extend and be challenged.

Do you see the problem? If we are wired for pleasure and comfort but required to be uncomfortable in order to reach our goals, the moment we start to make progress is the same moment we will want to retreat make into the comfort we know.

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