Outgrowing the People Around You

Published: Feb. 26, 2020, 6 a.m.

Taking a deep dive today on the ways in which people can feel like they are outgrowing the people around them. 

I have immersed myself in environments that promote personal growth and development and for the most part it’s a great vibe, its inspiring – but let me share with you another truth, one that is mostly unspoken. 

Sometimes – when people are working on themselves and investing in their own development – they can become assholes. Arrogant in their pursuit of progress as they exude this ‘better than’ attitude. These are the people that declare they are outgrowing everyone around them. 

These are the people that cut everyone off they they deem unworthy or unhelpful to their cause. 


This energy, this way of being – its unnecessary and its pretty ugly. 


If you are working towards a goal it is likely that you might face resistance from the people around you. It is likely you might feel frustrated that the people around you just don’t get you. That doesn’t mean you have to cut them out of your life entirely. 


What needs to change as we are changing? 

Lets dive deep on this question today. 

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