Episode 13~ A Time To Rest in Inner Silence Together~ Guided Meditation

Published: May 5, 2019, 7 a.m.

Guided Meditation~

A time to REST in the inner Silence together and explore what is here for us. Nourishment, Revitalization, A Respite from the outside world as well as our mind chatter, Calm, Peace; an Exploration. The Spaciousness where we activate our own inherent Power. ~

Moving Beyond Illness, Anxiety & Depression. Many of us are struggling in our day to day lives with these symptoms which have become the norm in our society today. This can leave us feeling debilitated and out of control. We may yearn to find a way to manage these things or to even heal them. This IS Possible. Christina guides us from Symptom to Source, leading us back to the truth of our being. This is an explorative journey of discovery, certainly the greatest and most fulfilling journey of our lives. Through simple practices and insight we begin to gain control over our lives again, regaining our own inherent Power Within. This podcast is certain to lift your spirits, give hope and lasting life transformation.  Understanding, Clarity, Peace, Calm, Joy, Guidance, Health and Certainty await you. Join Us.
