#60- IT (1990 & 2017)

Published: Oct. 7, 2017, 3:10 p.m.

b"Hiya Georgie! I know we haven't talked in a while, but it's good to see you again! Stephen King aficionado Norm Burns and Chicago cinematographer Sarah Giroux stopped by to help with our past due It episode. So why are we just now talking about It a month after its release? Well because this episode is so unbelievably full of spoilers, I thought I'd give everyone ample time to see the new It installment before we reveal the ever loving shit out of it. That said, we all really liked It, big surprise! What might be a surprise is how the director was more concerned with staying true to the novel than the 1990's mini-series. What may also be surprising is the weird (and appropriate) trivia I found. Andy Muschietti masterfully directed despite having only directed one other feature length film (fascinating story behind that one, too). So come play with us, won't you? I mean, you won't float, but uh, you'll have a pretty good time. Thanks for supporting Movie Show Theater!"