TOP 10 Horror Franchises (Se2,Ep31)

Published: Nov. 1, 2019, 9:37 p.m.

Happy Halloweeeeeeeen!!!!
Another year, another horror special, and another failure from us... Last year, we promised you an entire month of horror throughout October, counting down the TOP 10 Horror Movies from each decade. We failed... But did deliver the highly predictable TOP 10 Horror Movies.
This year, we promised you an an entire month of horror throughout October, counting down the TOP 10 Horror Movies from each decade. We failed... AGAIN... This time we are counting the TOP 10 Horror Franchises. Still a great, fun list for Horror fans, and not as predictable as you might think. Consider that one half of the Silver Screen Dudes (that would be AJ), is not the biggest Horror fan, so his take on what is scary and not scary will be more unique. Nico is a horror nut, so expect all the big hitters, and what's wrong with that? :)

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