The Top 10 DELETE Special (Season 3, Episode 1)

Published: Jan. 12, 2020, 5:38 p.m.

Season 3 is here, we can't believe it!

With the arrival of season 3 comes some reflexion from the Silver Screen Dudes for our audience. You have all decided to join us for the last two years and dedicate your valuable time to listening to us. For that reason, we are doing a special DELETE episode for all of you.
The premise is simple: after 2 years, we think that there are certain movies that simply come up far too often, so this episode will be the DELETION of the TOP 10 movies that we think we talk about too often. It will just be for one season, but it will push us to talk about a wider scope of films and thereby giving our audience more of that oh so important edutainment!

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