Episode 34: Marsdew Valley: Mars Needs Farmers

Published: Nov. 6, 2018, 10:59 p.m.

You guys know how when you watch a cartoon, you get this nagging voice in your head that says "But it should look more real!" Well our buddy Robbie Zemeckis has a solution for you, and he made a whole bunch of motion-capture animated movies for you to enjoy, you psychopath! Unfortunately, at least one of those movies was bad, 2011's Mars Needs Moms. So we fixed it up this week and finally granted Phil's wish for a Stardew Valley movie by smashing it up into Marsdew Valley: Mars Needs Farmers about a grampa leaving their grandkid his Mars farm, and that grandkid going there to smooch everyone around and also murder some Space CHUDs.

Also, we fix the trailers for Speed Kills and The Quake.