#26 Gran Torino

Published: June 22, 2018, 4:45 a.m.


In this round\\u2019s New to Two, Brett introduced David and Nicole to Clint Eastwood\\u2019s last good (possibly great) movie, "Gran Torino," a variation on the \\u201ccrusty old guy teaches young punk lessons about life and manhood while learning a few things himself\\u201d story. We took an admiring look at the film\\u2019s craftsmanship, and a harder look at its portrayal of the Hmong culture. Does this movie include the \\u201cwhite savior\\u201d trope? What if the protagonist is the one who makes the situation bad in the first place? Was it a good idea to use nonprofessional actors to play the Hmong roles? We dig in deep in this episode!


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