Published: Sept. 7, 2018, 4 a.m.

b'At long last, we present our Donnie Darko spoiler show. Moid, Dave, Russ and Chris have been planning this episode for a while, subjecting themselves to the torturous Southland Tales and the very average The Box. Was it worth the effort? SPOILER WARNING If you have not seen Donnie Darko, be aware that we discuss plot points, resolutions and theories throughout. Go away, watch the film, come back, enjoy. The Snakeskin Movie Lounge is a fiercely independent podcast. We are commercial free, not part of a network and totally self funded. The only payment we accept is a 5 star rating and review on iTunes, it really helps like minded people find the show. Have you heard our most popular episodes? Snakeskin Spoilers #5 mother! Snakeskin Spoilers #11 Mulholland Drive Snakeskin Spoilers #10 Memento'