MZD - Ep 47 Getting Unstuck

Published: Feb. 28, 2018, 7:37 a.m.

“You must learn a new way to think before you can master a new way to be.” ~ Marianne Williamson

“Perhaps the Earth can teach us, as when everything seems dead and later proves to be alive.” ~ Pablo Neruda

Do you ever feel stuck? Like a rodent caught in the rat race or the proverbial hamster wheel?

We all get stuck from time to time and need a little shaking up to get out of the rut. We sometimes need a blast of fresh wind to clear the leaves and debris out of our yard, and to cleanse the impurities and stagnant air out of the atmosphere of our minds, so to speak.

For today's show, we offer a short list of things you might try to help yourself get unstuck and move and grow more intentionally.

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