Ep 130 - Mirrors in the Earth with Asia Suler

Published: Dec. 3, 2022, 11:55 p.m.

“Nature is hungry to interact with us. It wants connection…if you take one step, the world rushes in to meet you.” ~ Asia Suler

One of my favorite aphorisms is “Affirm Truth wherever you find it.” It’s a philosophy I have more recently come to hold dear and try to live by every day that I’m alive, because I’m finding that as I seek Truth, capital “T”, on my own “Hero’s Journey” as Joseph Campbell would put it, I am stretched a little out of my comfort zone.

There was a time in my younger days where I felt like I really understood it all, and pretty much knew what Life and the Universe was all about. But I began grow stagnant, dull and unteachable, putting God the Creator in a box, and not allowing for any more wisdom, ways of looking at the world, or growth to take place. Black and white leaving no room for mystery or deeper scientific revelations.

I’ll be honest, the old self would have been a bit threatened by today’s conversation. Probably because I wasn’t secure enough in my own beliefs and relationship with myself or my Creator. I no longer feel that way, but trust that as I listen to that still, small voice, I can hear the call of wisdom, and courage and love, and hopefully impart it with diligence to those in my sphere of influence.

I am very pleased to share today’s guest with you. She is a writer, herbalist, earth intuitive, and the guide behind One Willow Apothecaries— an online hub for learning, healing and connecting with the living world. Combining science with spirituality, she teaches how connecting with the Earth can change everything.

In the last decade, she has worked with over 20,000 students, and shares that if she has learned anything, it is that we are at a turning point in this world, and empaths and sensitives are here to midwife that change.

Asia Suler is a kind, wise and beautiful soul, and I believe you will really be blessed by today’s conversation with her.

So without any further ado, let’s welcome Asia Suler to Mountain Zen Den. Come on in…