Dayna Reggero - Award Winning Documentarian, Filmmaker and Founder of the Climate Listening Project

Published: Feb. 14, 2023, 2:30 a.m.

Dayna is so much more than what is written in the titl_e._ She is a film director, story teller, connector, dreamer and a healer. She loves what she is doing, and she is exactly where she wants to be.

She started travelling all around the USA as an All-American and Division 1 long distance runner. Dayna’s work started at 19, when she began appearing on television with animals to promote connection to nature.

By trade, Dayna Reggero is an environmentalist. Her work spans over two decades and ranges from filmmaking to beginning her career as a spokesperson. However, her most skilled work might come in the form of organizing conversations, or simply starting them.

Dayna has been interviewed by CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC and FOX networks and coordinated with Animal Planet, TLC, and the Food Network for features. Her efforts have been featured by the Jane Goodall Institute. Her work was selected by National Geographic as an Open Explorer Expedition and featured in the nationwide PBS series EcoSense for Living.

In 2022, Dayna joined Jane Fonda and Roishetta Ozane for special Fire Drill Friday climate action in DC.