22. Most Likely to Mind Her Business with Michaela Bradshaw

Published: Nov. 30, 2021, 10:05 a.m.

b'Michaela stops in to talk about her two seasons on Survivor, the infamous "list" on the Challenge Season 37 and if she would do it all again. Paige and Michaela talk about the physical demands of Survivor, what your body goes through after the show, and the differences between the two fandoms. Michaela is truly a light and shows another side to her in this fun interview.

Paige also breaks down The Challenge 37: Episode 16, gives a brief overview of All Stars, and what she\'s been cooking in her air fryer. Shorter episode as your host gets through a respiratory infection but still just as full of opinions and laughs as always!

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Shaun: americainperdu
Paige: pretty_petty x

Special thanks to BenSound.com for show music and HexBeautyLab.com'