10. Most Likely to Bring About World Peace with Paulie Calafiore!

Published: Sept. 7, 2021, 9:15 a.m.

b'Paulie (no, seriously) joins Paige and they discuss her not-so-nice videos of him, his social media activity and what the Challenge experience was like. He gets real about WotW2 and tells listeners about his Olympic pursuits and his relationship with Cara Maria. Tune in to find out if the pair left as besties, or if the anti-fan videos will continue. Shaun and Paige also discuss episode 4 of Season 37 of MTV\'s the Challenge and things pumpkin flavor does and does not belong in.

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Cody\'s Twitich

Shaun: americainperdu
Paige: pretty_petty x

Special thanks to BenSound.com for show music and HexBeautyLab.com'