The Blind Side Podcast 85, The Daily Fibre Premium podcast. What it is, why we're doing it, how to get it and a free demo episode.

Published: May 8, 2018, 3:14 p.m.

Following many requests, The Daily Fibre, the technology news show Jonathan Mosen produces for Mushroom FM, is available as a podcast. Producing it is time-consuming, and that's why it's been made a premium podcast, costing just a quarter per episode, $5 USD per month. Jonathan discusses how this podcast came about, what it contains, and why it's taken this form. We then include a full episode from the Premium feed, so you know what to expect if you subscribe, and offer some guidance for signing up with Patreon, the host of the podcast, with a PC or iPhone.

Want to get the very latest technology news summarised and where appropriate explained from a blindness perspective? Visit The Daily Fibre Premium page and sign up today with any major credit card or PayPal.

There are listener comments this week covering topics including accessible gym equipment, public transport, blind people being shoved into wheelchairs at airports, and whether Apple is doing enough to explain new features to blind people.

Jonathan made reference to the profile written about him for the April AFB Access World. Read the Access World profile on Jonathan here.

We welcome your feedback. Send email to TheBlindSide at Mosen dot org or call the feedback line in the United States on (719) 270-5114.

You can also join our online community to discuss the podcast with other listeners. Send a blank email to