85 - "Tár"

Published: July 20, 2023, 2 p.m.

"Tár" is a film driven by paranoia from the titular character. I liked the theme about being the talk of the town to almost a half-recognized talent. And all of it is due to allegations to where we see this character scramble for some type of security. In her world, there isn't any. People in her field of work and expertise all play a role where they all back stab each other. I dug "Tár" for it's unique screenplay of a pretentious Lydia Tar trying to make delusional sense of what's crumbling around in her life. I also like how the sound design play a large in the mood of the scenes as they slowly creep up on us for a suspenseful experience because as we watch the film unveil itself we wonder exactly where these events are taking. It's almost feels like we're watching a windowed life of characters that some of us will never experience when it comes to classical music and its experience that it gives to those who ask for it. I discuss how well the characters play into each other's lives.

I give this film four out of four tokes.