79 - "Jeanne Dielman, 23 quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles" THE GREATEST FILM OF ALL TIME?

Published: May 22, 2023, 6:02 p.m.

in 1975, arthouse queen Chantal Akerman wrote & directed "Jeanne Dielman, 23 quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles", a film about a widower turned into a prostitute to make ends-meet. That's it. That's the plot but there's so much that goes into this 201 minute minimalistic film that you'd never thought you'd encounter. 201 minutes, yes 201 minutes. The whole Avengers series is much longer than that and sucks as a whole with little depth into it besides saving the world. Jeanne saved herself in some weird way in this film. Sight & Sound publication named this film the "Greatest Film of All Time" in their decade film poll that was announced in 2022. Is it? I personally and critically feel it's not but I can consider it a great film, almost the PERFECT FILM that encompasses the aspects of filmmaking such as acting, cinematography, sound, the use of (or lack of) dialog and obviously screen direction because the main character almost literally drives the film and its story. It is a challenge to see this film but the dedication one puts into seeing this film is providing the uptmost admiration to the director and crew who were able to put a unique piece of cinema that can never be replicated or re-made especially current cinema. It really is an interesting that exposes, the slice of life, seeing how people change even in three days. But this film does a great job that keeps you invested not just in the film itself but the character period, she's doing all the work and even that itself has effects to how the film goes the way it goes.

Overall, four out of four tokes.

#jeannedielman #chantalakerman