28 - "Tokyo Story"

Published: June 9, 2022, 7:39 a.m.

Yasujirō Ozu's "Tokyo Story" is considered one of the best--IF NOT--the best film of all time. THE BEST FILM OF ALL TIME. Like, if Stranger Things went on 20 more seasons, "Tokyo Story" would be still probably the best film of all time and I don't explain that but I explain what it does to the human psyche. It asks ourselves very important questions that every human in society goes through and if it hasn't, it's gonna come and it comes hard. A film so simple but so beautiful at the same time. I explain the cinematography, the slow pacing and how the film reflects on family life and what's crazy is that this film came out in 1953 and its subject matter STILL resonates to this very day in our modern society. That's the power of cinema, that it can affect us in a deep way.