You are a Lighthouse

Published: Jan. 3, 2022, 3:43 a.m.

b"What are you choosing for yourself this year?\\xa0 What is your heart\\u2019s desire?\\nRemember you are the chooser and not the victim.\\xa0 Put your choice into one word or two and make it the banner for this year.\\nIn this powerful guided meditation, you\\u2019ll be setting up the entire year with your choice.\\nListen to the latest episode of Paintbrush & Ivories here.\\nThe music under this meditation was composed by Jennifer.\\xa0 It's called\\xa0I\\u2019m Choosing Miracles.\\nYou can find most of the music on these podcast on\\xa0Spotify or Apple Music\\nSign up here to receive an email notice every time there\\u2019s a new Morning Light Meditations.\\nIf this podcast supports you spiritually, please consider fueling it with your financial support.\\xa0 Any amount is appreciated."