Mars Retrograde 2014 Predictions KG Stiles, Astrologer

Published: March 4, 2014, 12:39 a.m.

Find out 'How to Make the Most' of Mars Retrograde in Libra March 1 - May 19th. Conjunct North Node & Stars Spica & Arcturus. Influence Banker's Suicides?>/br> ABOUT KG Stiles - I’m a Metaphysician and Intuitive Astrologer offering Professional Services since 1980. I have a B.A. in Philosophy and Background Training in Jungian Archetypal Psychology & Social Work and have received Advanced Degrees in the Transformational Healing Arts. Through the symbolic language of Astrology, Dreams, Tarot, Numerology and other metaphysical modalities I read the energies at play for you to access information that empowers you to realize your potential, resolve life issues, and enjoy a more satisfying and rewarding life.