What Is Your Motivation

Published: Aug. 30, 2021, 8 a.m.

Read the article: https://mondayskeptmefat.com/2021/08/what-is-your-motivation

Imagine you meet your favorite movie star, you and he spark up a conversation, followed by an invitation to be his companion to his new movie premiere. How exciting, right!? This is definitely the time to get all the warm and fuzzies going! He picks you up in a gigantic limousine. Off to dinner, the movie premier, and the afterwards get-together party. Everything is going great! After the party, you and he walk to the limo and he opens the door for you. You climb in and hear him call to the driver, “Okay. We’re good.” Then he looks at you from outside the limo with his right hand on the top edge of the back door and his left hand on the roof. Starstruck, you look back but wonder...just a bit...why he’s not climbing in after you. He bends down after pulling something from his pocket and says, “Glad you could make it.” He drops a $100 bill on the seat near you, “Here, thank you. This is for your trouble.” He pats the top of the car, shuts the door, and the driver asks, “where to?”

All assumptions aside, how did that bit of an emotional rollercoaster make you feel? Good? Bad? Or What the Heck!?

What motivated her to go to the movie premier with the movie star? Was it the “warm fuzzies” she “received” on the inside? Or was it the $100 dollars she received after the evening came to an abrupt end?

You are motivated to “go to the movies with a movie star” or “lose weight and become healthy” through one of two motivational means: intrinsic rewards or extrinsic rewards. Either way you are looking for a reward of some sort; that something that makes it all worth it. And this is true for any action you perform.

Read the article: https://mondayskeptmefat.com/2021/08/what-is-your-motivation