Get Motivated - Join a Challenge

Published: Sept. 7, 2021, 12:31 a.m.

This September, I am taking part in the Great Cycle Challenge to fight kids' cancer!

Why? Because right now, cancer is the biggest killer of children from disease in the United States. Over 15,700 children are diagnosed every year, and sadly, 38 children die of cancer every week. And, why...because while I am helping raise money to fight kid's cancer, I have a goal...a get out and get more and more miles in. 

Last September I did this too and it was a good reboot. A few pounds had found it's way to my midriff and my belt loops were screaming at me to reduce the girth so it could get back to the farthest hole.

Here's a link to my page:

Visit Mondays Kept Me Fat: