Kitting Up for the Fight with Frank Sharp Jr of Fortress Defense Consultants Podcast 309

Published: Sept. 15, 2020, 6:37 p.m.


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I invited Frank Sharp Jr from Fortress Defense Consultants to join me to talk about the \\u201cgreat boogaloo\\u201d sort of\\u2026

We laugh about the term and the thought of an all out Civial War in the US. The country is just too big and diverse for another actual Civil War that has two sides squaring off and going at it.\\xa0 If the fighting kicks off, it is going to be local.\\xa0 You will be fighting amongst your families, friends, and neighbors.

Frank Sharp Jr and I talk about how bad that could be for the country and how a lot of people just don\\u2019t understand what it is going to be like.\\xa0 It isn\\u2019t going to be go fight for a couple hours and then Netflix and chill for the rest of the night.\\xa0 It is going to be bloody and horrible in the places that have fighting.

If the fighting kicks off, we could lose all sanitation, trash disposal, running water, and electricity in our country. \\xa0Most of the people talking about fighting don\\u2019t have a plan for this.\\xa0 These are the things that the movies don\\u2019t show you.

Frank Sharp Jr and I come to the conclusion that most of the knowledge that people have about medicine, law enforcement, and fighting come from TV and movies.\\xa0 And most of those shows are completely wrong.\\xa0

For those of you with training, you laugh at the fighting just like I do.\\xa0 So don\\u2019t get your knowledge from the movies when it comes to how war is going to be.\\xa0 After being in combat I can tell you that Saving Private Ryan and Blackhawk Down are the only movies that even come close.\\xa0 And only parts of those movies are correct.

Next week Frank and I will continue the discussion about kitting up and going to fight and why it isn\\u2019t a good idea, and more importantly we hope that it doesn\\u2019t happen.\\xa0

I\\u2019ll be taking Frank\\u2019s course in January.\\xa0 Here is a link to the class.\\xa0 If you want to just be on the range training with me, this is a good class to take.\\xa0 If you want to get training from me check out my courses here.


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Thanks for listening, don\\u2019t forget to check out the Shooter\\u2019s Club, and if you need ammo check out Lucky Gunner.

Stay Safe,



P.S.\\xa0 I just set up a self-defense handgun course for Sep 2020 in San Antonio, check it out

