Merlyne Jean-Louis How to Secure and Protect Your Intellectual Property

Published: July 2, 2018, 5:34 p.m.

Merlyne Jean-Louis, Esq. is the founder of Jean-Louis Law, P.C., a New York-based law firm that focuses on business, entertainment and immigration law.

She has provided counsel to entrepreneurs and creatives, including social media influencers and tech startups. She also writes a legal blog for entrepreneurs at

Not sure what to consider related to IP (trademarks and copyright) law? Tune in now:

4:03: Merlyne's backstory of how she started in law and the inspiration that helped her to open her own firm
9:50: Why the law tends to lag behind new technology and how lawyers approach those cases
11:01: How to think about copyright, nondisclosure agreements and trademark laws and what each covers
17:03: Can you reserve your trademark or protect it before you start using it broadly or making money from using it
19:30: What can happen if you don't properly research and protect your trademarks and basically why trademark laws were created to protect customers
24:30: Merlyne answers questions about how intellectual property law is defined, how you know if you need an NDA, and what each protects
34:50: We cover some of the other legal matters for which you may want to secure a lawyer
37:04: How Merlyne thinks about leadership, continuous learning and collaborating with others
41:01: One healthy cult we both agree can be essential to being modern moguls and why we both love to travel
44:17: How Merlyne keeps a positive and radiant energy and what makes her a Modern Mogul