Let's Talk Pesach: Mindset and Haggadahs

Published: March 11, 2021, 7 p.m.

As we begin to prepare for Pesach, Jenna discusses how we can try to reframe our perspective from one of anxiety and distress to one of joy and calm. Toward this end, she shares practical prep tools as well as her favorite old and new Haggadahs.

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Sources & Haggadahs:

The Emuna Haggadah: Teaching Emunah at the Seder by Levi Felsenthal

The Gutnick Lubavitch Haggadah

From Bondage to Freedom by Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Twerski
The Breslov Haggadah
Gems from the Nesivos Shalom Haggadah
 Elie Wiesel Haggadah