Aron Ra Vs David Wood | Is Naturalism True?

Published: Nov. 11, 2023, 6 p.m.


At Modern-Day Debate (MDD), our vision is to provide a neutral debate platform so everyone has their fair shot to make their case on a level playing field.

OUR DISCORD: _______________________________________________________________________________ RULES FOR CHAT -Chats flagrantly disrespectful toward speakers will receive a warning. *Attack the ideas instead of the person. -Chatters continuing the disrespect after a warning will be banned. -Chatters violating YouTube TOS are banned immediately. ______________________________________________________________________________________ DISCLAIMER The views shared by guests on Modern-Day Debate are not necessarily representative of the views of Modern-Day Debate, James, or any university he has or has had any affiliation with. This includes our debate podcast. ______________________________________________________________________________________ I'm a Christian. If you ever want prayer or just someone to talk to after a horrible day, please reach out and let me know. I'm not a counselor and thus can't counsel anyone, but as mentioned, I'm happy to listen if you had a bad day. __________________________________________________________________________________ #Debate #Podcast
