Steaks for Breakfast with Dr Shawn Baker

Published: March 27, 2020, 6:30 p.m.

Human beings are in a situation right now where misinformation and disinformation is rampant. There are people at the top sharing false information about health knowingly, and there are also people sharing false information unknowingly.

Having gone back and forth eating meat for four years and ultimately returning to animal foods, especially red meat, I can attest to the strength, endurance and stress relief that you get from it. Delving deeper into studying metabolic health, I learned that protein is just as essential as carbohydrates for fueling our metabolic fire and allowing our 37 trillion cells to generate energy.

Dr. Shawn Baker is one of the people that have popularized the carnivore diet, or animal-based nutrition. For the past few years he has been pumping out content to counter all of the vegan propaganda and fake-meat-slop that is being offered to the public. It is about eating real food, which includes red meat. I believe that small family farms, or homesteading, and regenerative agriculture, is the future and the solution to many of our global problems.

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