Discovering the Potential of Holographic Technology with 4Deep In-water Imaging

Published: May 29, 2018, 5:51 p.m.

4Deep In-water Imaging is making waves in the world of 3D imaging. Developing patented holographic and fluorescence technology, the company from Nova Scotia, Canada is creating powerful microscopes that are not only faster and more precise than others on the market but are also incredibly versatile. You can meet the team in person at our upcoming Startup Spotlight event at District Hall on June 12. They'll be exhibiting along with 35+ other startups. In the meantime, have a listen to this podcast where the team shares the exciting and innovative solutions they are discovering for a broad range of applications, from oceanography and municipal water to aquaculture and the wine industry. Podcast Participants Dr. Stephen Jones, Chief Executive Officer, 4Deep In-water Imaging Candace Smith, Research Scientist Greg Veinott, Marketing Advisor, Nova Scotia Business Inc. Laura MacDougall, Marketing Advisor, Nova Scotia Business Inc.