MW Terry Tempest Williams - A Pencil Is A Wand And A Weapon

Published: April 4, 2021, 9:55 a.m.

“Language and landscape are my inspiration.” So said Terry Tempest Williams in her Personal Topography of America’s national parks: The Hour of Land, and I think this rings true for most Witches. We are Language and Landscape. Amy guides listeners through the work of this author, activist, seeker of social and environmental justice, this bird-lover of the Utah desert. Terry Tempest Williams is honest about desolation, silence, rage, cancer, confusion, fear and loss. She asks: How do we find the strength not to look away from all that is breaking our hearts? And we sense in her question a million tiny heartbreaks: personal, political, spiritual… finding beauty in a broken world. Featured photo by Kwaku Alston