Most Common Questions Answered About CBD & Hemp!?!?

Published: Feb. 23, 2022, 3:53 a.m.

b'Why is there still so much confusion about the CBD\\n\\n Despite over 8,000 years of information confirming cannabis benefits, many people are still reluctant to try it. On today\'s show Justin Benton Janet Benton Gaillard, Dan Humiston , Latara Parker provide answers to some of the most frequently asked questions including: "will it make me high?" "will it cause me to fail a drug test?" and "how will it interact with other medicine?" join the Miracle Plant live on Clubhouse every Saturday morning \\n\\nProduced by PodConx\\n\\\\\\nJustin Benton -\\nLatara Parker -\\nJanet Benton-Gaillard -\\nDan Humiston -'