Tap Into Your Personal Power

Published: Jan. 20, 2021, 4:20 a.m.

b'Tap Into Your Personal Power

Aired Tuesday, January 19, 2021 at 4:00 PM PST / 7:00 PM EST

This week on Miracle Guidance for Everyday Life, Dr. Harra shows you how to tap into your personal power.

Each of us is born inherently powerful, and every individual possesses powers unique to him or her. We\\u2019re all talented, influential, and special in our own ways. The problem is when outside circumstances interfere and dim the light that shines from within: a toxic partner, a dead-end job, a legal mess, a loss, or a sudden crisis. Such situations can make us feel helpless and unable to break through our blockages. The key is to close off your energy and utilize your skills to rebuild your strength. Discover what steps you need to take to reclaim your force. Dr. Harra will answer your calls and help you become the most powerful version of you.

Tune in to Miracle Guidance for Everyday Life Tuesday at 7pm ET and refuel your inner force.

Visit the Miracle Guidance for Everyday Life show page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/miracle-guidance-for-everyday-life/

Connect with Carmen Harra at http://carmenharra.com/

#PersonalPower #MiracleGuidance #CarmenHarra'