Reinvent Yourself! Your Guide to Personal Transformation

Published: Oct. 17, 2018, 2:44 a.m.

b'Aired Tuesday, 16 October 2018, 7:00 PM EST

Reinvent Yourself! Your Guide to Personal Transformation

This week on Miracle Guidance for Everyday Life, Dr. Harra shows you how to blossom into a brand new, better version of you.

One of life\\u2019s great secrets is this: Never stay the same for too long. When your relationship, career, income, or fulfillment becomes stagnant, it\\u2019s time to act and evolve. Life ushers you through different phases and forces you to reinvent yourself\\u2014whether you want to or not! Sometimes you have to quit a job that\\u2019s no longer productive, even if you\\u2019ve worked there many years. Sometimes you have to walk away from a relationship that\\u2019s turned toxic, even if you love the person dearly. Looking back, you\\u2019ll find that the changes were necessary. But when you\\u2019re faced with it, the task of transformation can seem both scary and challenging. Dr. Harra will guide you through making the most positive improvements and necessary changes that benefit your progress.

Broaden your potential and welcome new possibilities this Tuesday at 7pm ET on Miracle Guidance for Everyday Life!'