How to Tap into Your Stream of Abundance

Published: May 8, 2019, 3:19 a.m.

b'How to Tap into Your Stream of Abundance

Aired Tuesday, 7 May 2019, 7:00 PM EST

This week on Miracle Guidance for Everyday Life, Dr. Harra and special guest David Strickel teach you how to tap into your Stream of unlimited abundance.

There is a Stream of Source-energy running through every living thing. You can search for years for a deeper spiritual connection and meaning in your life, but if you\\u2019re afraid or detached from your source, your power will remain dormant. The truth is that you came here to be free, to seek things that please you and allow them to manifest, and to place obstacles in your path for the joy of overcoming them. Along your unique journey, you have the ability to create your own world via your projected thought. Yet most of us hold beliefs that are contrary to our desires, and this becomes our greatest reason for stress: our fears and doubts sabotage us. The solution is to access higher consciousness, where there are no limits to the joy that can be yours. Once you are truly connected to your Stream, you will see that you\\u2019re able to sample, discern, and manifest anything you desire\\u2014anything! Dr. Harra and author David Strickel will take your calls and show you how to reach your highest level of potential.

Tune in to Miracle Guidance for Everyday Life Tuesday at 7pm ET to break through your blockages and change your life.'