Health is Wealth: Natural Cures and Remedies

Published: March 15, 2023, 5:19 a.m.

b'Health is Wealth: Natural Cures and Remedies

Aired Tuesday, 14 March 2023 at 4:00 PM PST / 7:00 PM EST

This week on Miracle Guidance for Everyday Life, Dr. Harra offers you natural cures and remedies.

You can buy almost anything, but you cannot buy health; it does not come in the form of a pill or procedure, nor can it be achieved overnight. Good health is your most precious commodity. It involves patience, practice, and awareness. The path to true health is through nature and nature alone. This incredible planet contains every resource you need to prevent, treat, and cure disease, and each one is within your reach. From natural anti-inflammatories and holistic therapies to potent pain relievers and cancer-fighting foods, the Divine left everything for you to lead a rich and vibrant life. Dr. Harra will share her own secrets to wellness and teach you what you can do to return your body to a state of balance. She\\u2019ll take your calls and answer all questions.

Tune in to Miracle Guidance for Everyday Life Tuesday at 7pm ET and regain the wealth of good health!

#Health #MiracleGuidance #CarmenHarra

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