Bounce Back from Betrayal

Published: Oct. 9, 2019, 3:52 a.m.

b'Bounce Back from Betrayal

Aired Tuesday, October 8, 2019 at 4:00 PM PST / 7:00 PM EST

This week on Miracle Guidance for Everyday Life, Dr. Harra helps you recover from betrayal.

We\\u2019ve all been betrayed before. That horrible feeling in the pit of your stomach when you discover your partner\\u2019s deception is like no other. Betrayal stirs rage and desperation within us, but the truth is that ultimately, these emotions hurt no one but us. No matter how badly you\\u2019ve been betrayed, you must overcome the painful episode and heal for your own sake. Otherwise, you\\u2019ll become stuck in the moment and relive it in your next relationship. Dr. Harra will teach you how to rebuild trust, end patterns of infidelity, and clear harmful feelings from your being. She\\u2019ll give you the steps to bounce back from betrayal better than before and show you how to attract the loyal, loving people you deserve to have in your life. Call in during the show to receive one-on-one guidance!

Tune in to Miracle Guidance for Everyday Life Tuesday at 7pm ET to mend your heart and move forward.'