WTF is Asexuality?

Published: Feb. 16, 2021, 6 a.m.


Until my amazing frightfully tall sister Poppy came out as asexual a few years ago I'd never really heard of it. Well, personally I couldn't really grasp what that even meant as I'm a horny little fuck and she clearly was not. 


In this episode we dive into a world where we discuss that fanny flutters don't exist, the process of coming out, having dealing with peoples reactions, and how to tell people to piss off. 


I'm obviously very proud of my family. But something about who Poppy has now become fills my heart with warmth and admiration. For me its easy to talk about sex, for her its the opposite. I'm thrilled she chose my platform to share her story and I hope she brings some rainbow sparkle into your life, as she does mine.


All of the opinions in this episode are OUR own. We don't claim to know everything about this crazy pool that we've dipped our toes into but if you have any questions drop us a DM (send the sexy ones my way).


You can find me on Instagram and Facebook: @mintchocchippod and Twitter: @Chocpod. Poppy is on Instagram: She is also the amazing creator of all of the artwork for my show. She takes my nudes, ideas and stupidity and creates something magical.
