'Til Death Did Us Part

Published: June 20, 2022, 7 a.m.


Death is unfortunately one of the only things in life that is guaranteed. Everyone at some point will have to deal with the death of a loved one and one day we will be the ones people are grieving for. 


I feel lucky that I only experienced death later on in life. That said, dealing with loss is a constant battle and is a never ending road. The road might get less bumpy, but its still a path I wish I wasn't on. 


This episode focuses not only on my experiences with death and grief personally, but also how I have dealt and continue to deal with it. I use lots of methods and I hope one day they might be able to help other people. If you don't know what to say, that's also okay. Over the past few years I have learnt to understand that everyone will deal with things differently and I need to be okay with that. 


This episode touches on death, suicide and I cry multiple times so listen with an open mind and open hearts. 
