Sticky Rubber and the Magic Pill

Published: Feb. 23, 2021, 6 a.m.


I\'ve spent my whole sexual life trying my best not get pregnant. So far, so good. Although this journey has been a pretty f**king manic one. I\'ve tried so many options and now I feel like I\'ve finally found the best...of a bad bunch. Personally I turn into a raging hormonal crazy psycho women who could easily murder someone over taking the last custard cream from the biscuit tin. However, some people stick with the first type they try. 


In this episode we get down and dirty with how the morning after pill feels, using condoms and whether if the male pill existed, would guys take it?..


As ever I\'m deffo not a professional however I did gather all my info from Your contraception guide - NHS ( If you have anymore questions follow this link. My opinions although sometimes controversial, are my own and if you don\'t like feel free to send me an angry DM on my Facebook or Instagram: @mintchocchippod or Twitter: @Chocpod All messages welcome however brutal or delightful. 
