F**K the Cis-stem

Published: July 17, 2021, 3:02 p.m.


Being Non-binary is personally not something that I know a lot about. As a Cis-Women I have never struggled with my gender identity and find it hard to understand the reality of how difficult this could be for some people.


In this episode, I sit down with Billie. We discuss everything from; gender pronouns, purposeful misgendering, and the other side to Drag Race. As someone who identifies as Non-binary and uses the He/They pronouns, it was so insightful for me to have an honest chat with them regarding what it all means to them.


If you have any questions regarding the episode, please slide into the DMs on Facebook and Instagram: @mintchocchippod


You can also find extra bits on my blog www.chocpod.wordpress.com 
