MAPS METHOD #9 – Skills: The Motivation & Mastery Continua

Published: June 25, 2020, 4 p.m.

When you start to develop a healthy habit or to learn a new routine, you are likely to face two immediate obstacles concerning motivation and mastery.  

After an initial spurt of energy, your motivation to continue the practice is likely to diminish. That’s your motivation hurdle. And, since you are a beginner, you are likely to struggle with the practice, find it difficult and experience some failures. This is quite natural, but it is discouraging and frustrating. This is your mastery obstacle. You need to work through both of these challenges to be successful. 

In this podcast we introduce you to two MINDRAMP tools to help you work through the motivation and mastery hurdles. Both tools recognize that motivation and mastery have multiple stages. They are not static conditions. There are different degrees and types of motivation, just as there are different levels of mastery. 

MINDRAMP has developed a Motivation Continuum that lays out stages of motivation that run from EXTRINSIC motivation (i.e. you are being told to do something) on one end to INTRINSIC motivation (you do it because it is fun) on the other end. As you work with your brain health practice, you move yourself along the continuum to progress towards the easier and more fulfilling end. 

The Mastery Continuum is a similar deal. You start out as a beginner and tend to suck at doing the new routine. But, that’s okay. That’s expected. Don’t beat yourself up about it. Just keep doing the practice and gradually you will get better and become competent, then proficient, and the task will become more gratifying and even fun.