MAPS METHOD #12 – Skills: Mindset Resets

Published: July 15, 2020, 11 p.m.

In this podcast we discuss mindsets and the skill of performing "mindset resets." 

Mindsets are frames of mind, ways of organizing the world and our sense of self.  We observe that most mindsets are structured as dyads. That is, they have two opposing sides. They are a unity of opposites. One manifestation of a mindset will generally be positive and the flip side will generally be negative.  

A “Mindset Reset” is the skill of recognizing when you are being obstructed or thwarted by the negative side of a mindset and flipping to the positive. Think of the mindsets of optimism/pessimism or the closely related mindset of positivism/negativism. In the midst of a creative project, you may find yourself bogged down by pessimistic feelings. “This is never going to work.” “I can’t do this.” “I’ll never get the support I need.” Rather than wallow in self-pity, you can learn to perform a mindset reset and adopt a positive or optimistic stance.  

To introduce the nature and power of mindsets, we explore a couple of seminal pieces of research by psychologist Ellen Langer of Harvard. And explore Langer’s thinking about the mindset dyad of mindfulness/mindlessness.