Why this talk therapist gave up her career and chose hypnotherapy - with Tye Hunter

Published: Aug. 4, 2019, 11 p.m.


Here\'s an interesting statistic: According to a comparison study by the American Health Magazine, patients achieve a 72% recovery rate with Behavior Therapy, whereas hypnosis has a 93 % success rate. Psychoanalysis comes in last place at 38%. The latter takes you 600 sessions, Behavior Therapy 22, and hypnosis a mere 6 sessions, according to Psychotherapy Magazine, Vol. 7, No. 1. 


Talk therapy, also known as psychotherapy, means that patients will talk to their therapist about past and present problems. Over and over again. Sometimes it takes them months to find the root cause, sometimes years. That works for some, and I\'m in no way bashing this way of therapy.


Why is it that hypnosis has such a great success rate, you may wonder. And maybe you\'re still a hypnosis skeptic or think it\'s "too woo woo."


Tye Hunter, former talk therapist thought the same thing. But when she discovered how fast hypnosis helped her with her own problems, she made the switch to also serve her clients better and faster with hypnosis. 


Find out why hypnosis can help you with any kind of problem you may have so quickly and almost effortlessly as Tye and I discuss why we\'re absolute hypnosis fans and convinced it\'s one of the most powerful tools to change your life for the better.


We also talk about 


- RTT hypnotherapy (Rapid Transformational Therapy)


- Tye\'s self-love struggle.


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